Aug 9, 2024


Who Is It? You or Me?

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Have you ever felt

You do not belong here

You need to quit

You could do nothing about it

You are not alone

You will find many more

You will find me

You will find us

I always wondered who actually is it?

If it is myself or the souls around me who made me feel such way.

Everyone might have different opinion on it.

But I believe it’s more of You than I.

People can argue that it is our life and we are the ones steering it.

Still, I believe the outer world plays significant role in developing our internal emtional health.

Yes, we are independent in our lives, yet we are surrounded with so many people around us making an impact on us.

What do you say?




Written by AHK

Writer on Medium | Blogger | Digital Entrepreneur| Self Improvement | Productivity |Signup: https://ahkblog.medium.com/membership

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