
This is How You Can Win Big On Medium

A simple way to raise your online earning

3 min readMay 23, 2023


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Earning on Medium, a popular online publishing platform, can be challenging for several reasons. Here are a few factors that may contribute to people’s difficulties in earning on Medium:

1- Limited audience reach:

Medium has a large user base, but it can still be difficult to stand out among the vast amount of content published daily. Competition for readers’ attention is fierce, and it can be challenging to attract a significant audience to your articles.

2- Quality and uniqueness of content:

With numerous articles covering a wide range of topics, it is crucial to produce high-quality, well-researched, and unique content to capture readers’ interest. If your articles do not provide value or offer a fresh perspective, it can be challenging to build a loyal readership.

3- Inconsistency or lack of frequency:

Consistency is key when it comes to building an audience on Medium. If you publish sporadically or infrequently, it becomes difficult to maintain readers’ interest and engagement. Regularly providing valuable content increases your chances of…




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